Mindful Mondays with Waylon Lewis.


I wanted to talk about the Winter Solstice coming up.

With all the suffering, the aggression, the fear in the world right now that we're reading about and that is actually happening, whether it's in the Ukraine or Gaza, Israel, as well as a lot of the kind of partisanship that we're seeing in the US where we can't even discuss things  peacefully or respectfully—I think it's important to come back to peace.

And peace isn't some saccharine notion. It's something we have to work for and something we have to care for and nurture. And winter solstice is symbolic of that.

Read and watch more about Children's Day:

1. How to Celebrate Children’s Day, the Winter Solstice, in the Buddhist Tradition.
2. Waylon Lewis of Elephant on how to Celebrate Children’s Day.